
Embedded Platform IR Small-target Detection Based on Self-attention and Convolution Fused Architecture

  • 摘要: 针对嵌入式硬件平台下红外小目标检测存在的内存与计算资源受限问题,高帧率检测需求,以及更高的目标级检测性能要求,提出了一种名为CAMNet的检测网络。该网络结合自注意力全局建模的优势与卷积轻量快速的处理特性,采用四级堆叠的编码器和解码器架构,有效降低了算法资源需求,提升了检测帧率;同时在损失函数方面提出了质心损失函数,有效提升了算法的目标级检测性能。在公开的SIRST数据集上的实验结果显示,CAMNet在常见嵌入式平台的检测帧率达107 FPS,相比于ISTDU-Net、UIU-Net等其它先进网络,目标检测率至少提高了0.76%,虚警率至少降低了87.30%,表明所提检测网络具备较快的检测速度以及较好的目标级检测性能。


    Abstract: To address the memory and computational resource constraints of IR small-target detection under an embedded hardware platform, high-frame-rate detection demand, and higher target-level detection performance requirements, a detection network called CAMNet is proposed. The network combines the advantages of self-attentive global modeling with the lightweight and fast processing characteristics of convolution and adopts a four-stage stacked encoder and decoder architecture, which effectively reduces the algorithmic resource requirements and improves the detection frame rate. A center-of-mass loss function is proposed in terms of the loss function, which effectively improves the target-level detection performance of the algorithm. Experimental results on the public SIRST dataset show that CAMNet achieves a detection frame rate of 107 FPS on common embedded platforms. Compared with other state-of-the-art networks, such as ISTDU-Net and UIU-Net, CAMNet improves the probability of detection by at least 0.76% and reduces the false alarm rate by at least 87.30%. These findings indicate that the proposed detection network offers both fast detection speed and superior target-level detection performance.


