
RGB-T Salient Object Detection: A Survey

  • 摘要: 除RGB图像外,热红外图像也能提取出对显著性目标检测至关重要的显著性信息。热红外图像随着红外传感设备的发展和普及已经变得易于获取,RGB-T显著性目标检测已成为了热门研究领域,但目前仍缺少对现有方法全面的综述。首先介绍了基于机器学习的RGB-T显著性目标检测方法,然后着重介绍了两类基于深度学习的RGB-T显著性目标检测方法:基于卷积神经网络和基于Vision Transformer的方法。随后对相关数据集和评价指标进行介绍,并在这些数据集上对代表性的方法进行了定性和定量的比较分析。最后对RGB-T显著性目标检测面临的挑战及未来的发展方向进行了总结与展望。


    Abstract: In addition to RGB images, thermal IR images can be used to extract salient information, which is crucial for salient object detection. With the development and popularization of IR sensing equipment, thermal IR images have become readily available, and RGB-T salient object detection has become a popular research topic. However, there is currently a lack of comprehensive surveys on the existing methods. First, we briefly introduce machine learning-based RGB-T salient object detection methods and then focus on two types of deep learning methods based on CNNs and vision transformers. Subsequently, relevant datasets and evaluation metrics are introduced, and both qualitative and quantitative comparative analyses are conducted on representative methods using these datasets. Finally, challenges and future development directions for RGB-T salient object detection are summarized and discussed.


