640×512 Frame Transfer EMCCD Camera Timing Sequence Design
An EMCCD camera was introduced to realize 25 fps continuous dynamic imaging with 640×512 resolution under 1×10-3 lx illuminance. Through the construction of the camera hardware platform, as well as the analysis of the EMCCD working timing, AFE working timing, BT.656 encoding, and Camera Link encoding timing, the camera uses FPGA and HDL to generate the corresponding driver timing. This includes EMCCD exposure and readout, AFE-correlated double sampling and optical dark clamping, analog video progressive to interlacing and stretching, and Camera Link parallel to serial conversion. The camera operates under the following conditions: 1×10-3 lx simulated night sky illuminance, 1000× EMCCD gain, 25 mm lens focus, and F1.4; the experimental results demonstrate the imaging frame rate of 25 fps and SNR of 21.8 dB.